My Candidacy is for Change. It is about time we wake up.
- News Page
- Published On: September 05,2016

Producer/Director/Actor Akash Adhikari has recently announced his candidacy for the President of the Producer’s Association. Adhikari, who has been active in the industry for more than two decades, plans on bringing great changes in the ailing Association, shall he be elected in the upcoming elections.
Newspage3 recently interviewed Mr. Adhikari on the reason of his candidacy, his plans and his chances of winning. Here is what he had to share.
Q: Congratulations on the announcement of your candidacy and best wishes for your election. What are the main reasons for coming forward so suddenly?
A: Thank you. It is not a sudden coming forward to be honest. I have been in the industry for 21 years with filmmaking as my major profession. I have been appointed/ elected for various vital posts while working as a producer/director for so long. I was the General Secretary of the Director Society for two tenures and am the current First Vice-President of the Producer’s Association. I have also been on various committees made by the Film Development Board. Hence, administrative responsibilities have not been alien to me. Currently, I thought it was the right time to get myself elected and bring about the changes which the association is so desperate for.
Q: You have been very busy recently with your production and direction responsibilities. Moreover, you have a studio of your own. Despite the huge personal commitments you have taken the challenge of administrative task. What promoted you to go for this and can you manage enough time for your work if elected?
A: Management of time is a subjective issue. One can have ample time for everything with better management. I am sure there will be no time constraints. Regarding your other question, the want to bring changes that I thought were necessary within the Producer’s Association propelled me to go with this candidacy. Moreover, only the person with an experience and knowledge of the industry is fit enough to lead it. I honestly think I have the experience and know-how to make this Association work.
Q: You have repeatedly indicated that the Producer’s Association is in bad health. How bad is the situation?
A: To be frank, it is indeed in bad health. First and foremost, it is inactive. Secondly, the office bearers are having a tough time managing basic expenses for office operation. There is lack of communication between producers and we don’t have a definite strategy or action plan to move forward.
Q: How much is the bad business of films in general related to the inactivity of the Association?
A: To an extent, very much. However, there are many things that the Producer’s Association can do by itself to improve the situation.
Q: Like?
A: The removal of ‘turn system’ is foremost. Then we can focus on managing ways of easily obtaining censor certificates in foreign country, which will help producers save time, money and also pave way for them to immediately release their films abroad. Moreover, we can push for cost rebates on shooting in various countries like Canada, Italy and Spain which have the provision for such. If these basics can be done then we can easily have a vibrant industry and a vibrant industry means better health of the association.
Q: We had a look into your plans briefly with your previous answers. Can you please elaborate your agenda?
A: Surely. My first plan is to make the association active again. We will have a booklet release every three months to make public the activities of the association. There must be seminars, discussions and research so as to increase the intellectual appeal of the prestigious association. We will organize such programs. We must also search market for our films in the foreign market which will aid in our exponential rise. I will help maintain communication of the Producers with the cultural department of our Embassy/Counsel in various countries. It will help us in promoting films abroad. I will also fight for the censor inequality that is prevalent for our films. I will fight for the quota system of foreign films and in the same time will search for foreign producers for Nepali projects. We must also wage a war against piracy.
Q: You said you will search market for Nepali films abroad. How?
A: Millions of Nepalese live in countries like India, Japan, Burma, Malaysia, USA, U.K., Italy, France and many other places including the middle east. That is a huge international market. Moreover, foreigners are also eager to learn about Nepal and see the various cultural and natural faces of this country. If we can promote our films in the foreign market then even a small market share will be a huge boon to the industry.
Q: Can you elaborate more on the censor inequality?
A: It is a very serious issue. Foreign films obtain censor certificates from Nepal within a day and that too in a minimum of cost. However, Nepali producers are facing hard time getting their films certified abroad. We have to wait for very long and have to pay a lot of money.
Q: You have listed many things that you are going to do as a President if you are elected. Are you positive that you can accomplish them?
A: Definitely. I am certain that I can complete all my goals if I become the office bearer. As I have said earlier, I have the experience, resources and contacts to bring our association to the forefront of success. I am more than confident that our association will see better days.

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