Constitution 2071: Expectations Leads to Disappointments

  • News Page
  • Published On: January 23,2015

Every citizen of our country have been waiting for the formulation of a new constitution but the hopes of development have halted since our political leaders have failed fifth time. It’s a shame to know that repeated deadlines for a constitution have been missed and several government have come and gone. The parliament members are in chaos as constitution deadline looms since people have been protesting against them. Newspage3 an online news magazine have questioned our film industrialists about their reaction to their current pandemonium situation of our country. 

Akash Adhikari Actor/Director: In today’s day our country has headed yet another crisis constitution drafting deadline lapsing the day (22nd January 2015). The formulation of constitution has failed because of the carelessness of our own government. Since 2008 to today date we had two elections to Nepal’s Constituent Assembly have only amounted to the games of our political leaders. It’s doubtful if we citizen have chosen a wrong person for our country or whom to blame for this dismal failure. Its thoughtful that now we citizen have a vital role to play for our motherland. If our political leaders still thinks that there should be another election then it’s very necessary for people to know about the importance of constitution and political stability in our country. Mother and homeland are more precious than heavens. 

Rajkumar Rai, chairmanr of Film Producers Association: It’s a gloomy day for all the Nepalese people all over the world since our political leaders did not live up to our expectations. Because of the political instability the economy of our country is badly affected. Our political leaders have failed to resolve the differences and write a constitution. It’s a black day for all the Nepalese people. 

Deepak Raj Giri, Actor/Producer: It’s another historical day for our country. I’m happy because our political leaders have missed another deadline. If the constitution of our country would have been formulated I would have been spilled into the streets to protest outside the parliament building or I may have been depressed seeing the current situation. The people values has been shrunk who raised the voice against racism. The parliament speaker, Subash Nembag and political member Sompal Kami did not reached their current position because of their caste. The state should provide ethnic identity to the people. 

Keki Adhikari, Actress: It’s been seven years we’ve been said that constitution will be written but it has again distress us. It’s painful to know that our political leaders have failed this time too. Our country need written constitution but our country is unstable. Our political leaders have proven that they are not capable of writing the constitution so it’s better for them not to ask vote for another election. It’s a shame to know that they have failed fifth time. 

Nischal Basnet, Director: It’s important for every citizen to know the answer what has failed to bring the constitution in our country. Our political leaders should rather search a date to resolve the differences than search a date to formulate another constitution. It is known that without the agreement of political parties there won’t be any constitution in our country Nepal.  They should work hand in hand. It’s like nothing is going to develop if the constitution is written or not. Our leader should work on developing our country.

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