60% Shares To Be Issue To the Producer For Releasing Their New Movies

  • News Page
  • Published On: June 04,2015

Person affiliated with Movie Association and other film related association has decided to draw their spectators to the multiplexes through their new strategy. After the discussion on Wednesday the person affiliated with film association has decided to issue 60% of shares to the producer who will be releasing their movies starting from mid-June to July. 

Previously Nepal Film Association has been issuing only 50% of shares to the producers. The new strategy is for two months to draw the spectators to the theaters. According to Gopal Kayastha, “Spectators are not approaching multiplexes because no new movies has been released. Therefore, to encourage our producers to released their new movies we have increased 10% share to the producer. This strategy is applicable to every multiplexes. However, there are producers who have scheduled to release their movie on August.  Nikhil Upreti’s movie “Bhairav”, “Adhakatti” and “Love Sove” are preparing to be released on mid-June or July. According to Kayastha producer will be receiving more shares and they will be secure releasing their movies.  

After the massive earthquake of 7.8 magnitude which took place on April 25th 2015 has destroyed and damaged many multiplexes. Because of the tremor and its aftershocks, spectators has decreased because they are frightened and anxious. There are some multiplexes which has not been damaged but because no new movies has been released, no audience has drawn closer to multiplexes. Looking at this situation, Nepal Film Association has decided to issue 60% shares to the producers to overcome the tremor problem. 

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